The FLEX recruitment team will visit a city near you!

No pre-registration is required. Applicants must take the exam in their regions on the dates mentioned below. Students must their bring their birth certificate or passport (original), 1 photo /size 3×4 and a black pen.


Talin: September 15, 11:00 – Talin High School, Gorki str. 13-for Talin and nearby villages/cities

Aragatsavan: September 15,  15:00 – Aragatsavan Secondary school #2, Aragatsavan village-for students from Aragatsavan and nearby villages/cities

Gavar: September 16, 11:00 – Gavar High School, Tumanyan str. 11-for Gegherkunik region students

Hrazdan: September 16, 15:00 – Hrazdan school #13, Kentron District-for Kotayk region students

Hatsik village: September 19, 11:00 – Hatsik Secondary school, Hatsik Village-for Armavir region students 

Ijevan: September 20, 11:00 – Galik krtaran, Nalbandyan 1-for Ijevan and nearby villages/cities students

Dilijan: September 20, 15:00 – Dilijan High School, Myasnikyan 61-for Dilijan and nearby villages/cities students

Vanadzor: September 21, 11:00 – Vanadzor State University after H. Tumanyan, Tigran Metsi 36, for Lori region students

Gyumri: September 22, 11:00 – School #20, Thatcher Str. 1, for Shirak region students

Students with disabilities: September 23, 15:00 – American Councils office, Amiryan 4/7, 5th floor, Imperium Plaza, Yerevan

Yeghegnadzor: September 26, 11:00 – Yeghegnadzor Youth Center, Momiki str. 1-for students from Yeghegnadzor and nearby villages/cities

Vayk: September 26, 15:00 – Vayk High School, Shahumyan 93-for students from Vayk and nearby villages/cities

Jermuk: September 27, 11:00 – Jermuk High School, Dzakh ap-for students from Jermuk and nearby villages/cities

Sisian: September 28, 11:00 – Sisian High School #3, Myasnikyan 8-for students from Sisian and nearby villages/cities

Goris: September 28, 15:00 – Goris Education National Center, Gusan Ashot str. 32-for students from Goris and nearby villages/cities

Kapan: September 29, 11:00 – Kapan School #1, Lernagortsneri str. 1-for students from Kapan and nearby villages/cities

Agarak: September 30, 11:00 – Agarak Secondary School, Agarak-for students from Agarak and nearby villages/cities

Yerevan: October 2, 10:00 – Armenian State Pedagogical University, 13 Aleck-Manoukyan Str. –for students from Yerevan and Ararat region, as well as Aragatsotn, Armavir and Kotayk regions,(if students from these regions didn’t participate in the testing in their regions)

Students can apply to the program, if they:

  • Study in the 9-12 grades/I-III years of colleges. NOTE: students in the 12th grade/III college year who are required to complete military service are ineligible.
  • Were born between February 15, 1999 till July 15, 2002,
  • Have an academic standing of good or better,
  • Are enrolled in secondary school,
  • Are citizens of Armenia,
  • Have not spent more than 3 months in the U.S. in the last 5 years, and
  • Meet U.S. visa eligibility requirements.